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Because of the nature of browsing the web, it is important to select a browser that respects and protects your privacy.  We recomend two types of browsers: One for "everyday" browsing that respects and protects privacy at an acceptable level and one that is more private and secure for those times that call for greater privacy and security. 


Why not just always  use the most private and secure browser? Becuase privacy/security and convenience/usability are a fine balancing act. The basic rule is that you have to trade something of one for more of the other. If you always use the most private/secure browser — even for simple daily tasks — the lack of speed and convenience will become frustrating and you will likely find yourself going back to a less private and less secure browser. That is why it is best to segregate your browsing between browsers based on the task you are performing and how much privacy/security it needs.


For daily browsing, we recommend Brave Browser and for much stronger privacy and security, we recommend the Tor Browser. While using Tor from the Brave Browser is even better than just using the Brave Browser by itself, using the Tor Browser adds better protection, still. Think of good, better, best. Brave is good — Brave with Tor is better — Tor is best.


Learn more about each of these browsers and where to get them below.


Brave Browser

Brave Browser is a fast, modern browser that offers decent privacy/security. It blocks ads and trackers by default and prevents all but the most determined tracking. We recommend Brave as your daily driver for browsing the web. For those times when more privacy and security are needed, Brave has a feature that allows pages to be loaded using the Tor network. Read more about Tor on the link to the right of this panel. To download Brave for Windows, Mac, or Linux, visit the Brave website.


Tor Browser

Tor is a masperpiece of privacy and security. In fact — when used properly — Tor provides anonymity on the web. TOR is an acronym which stands for the Onion Router. It is set up to use the Tor Network, allowing access to websites that are not part of the "surface web." It works with "layers" (like an onion) of encryption, IP spoofing, and other tools to hide your Internet traffic from anyone (including your Intenet Service Provider). To download Tor for Windows, Mac, or Linux, visit the Tor website.

Enemy of the [SURVEILLANCE] State

C. Mitchell Shaw


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